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How to Find People Who Want to Buy Your Stuff

Everyone wants people to buy their products and services but  we often look in the wrong places for these customers.


If we had a way of finding customers who already WANT to buy our stuff then life would be really easy not so?

Better yet what if we were able to find people who’ve already bought products just like ours? Then half your work is done.

So the big question is how do you find people who are already passionate about what you have to offer?

The answer lies in what is called the 3 money questions?

  1. Who is my ideal perfect prospect?

  2. What specific problems do they want to solve?

  3. Where can I find them?

 So let’s dive in quickly!

Money Question 1: Who is my ideal perfect prospect

Always start with “who” before ever trying to sell anything. If you don’t know who your perfect client is, then you’re selling in a black hole.

One thing that you have to remember is that it’s never about your product or service, it’s always about your prospect.

Your product has no value if you haven’t sat down and thought about  who’s going to buy it.

Start with a broad market, then hone in on your perfect prospect.

What you will realize slowly but surely is that the “Message to Market” is very important and starts with that Perfect Prospect.

Money Question 2: What problems do they have?

Everyone has problems so you need to sit and think about what are the problems that your product or service is solving.

Think for a minute about what your prospect wants.

Ask the questions:

What they want in their business?

What do they want in their family?

What do they desire or dream of day in day out?

Once you know what their problems are  you have to determine how to utilize this information.

Remember that human beings are hard wired to want to move away from pain and towards pleasure.

What ever their problems are they will want a solution for getting rid of that problem (your product).

Money Question 3: Where Do I find them?


So obviously the next question is where do I find my most passionate prospects?

The answers to questions 1 and 2  lead you to the answer to this question.

Now if you’re using social media to find people then you need to look for products and services similar to yours.

Use people who’ve already liked pages selling what you have to sell.

Remember that platforms like Facebook have already done most of the work for you.

They’ve already done the research and know who likes what on their platform.

Watch the video for more tips on how to capture these already eager to buy customers.


I’m Hilary De Freitas The Marketing Mom

My Mission:  to bring as many moms back home and still earning a living!


I invite you join my newsletter and you will learn how to continue to grow your business online.

P.P.S My goal here is to help you learn how to market and build a successful business online around your children Join today and get one free 30 minute Marketing Training with me then join my mastermind to learn more

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