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4 Tips to Generate more Traffic from Social Media

Social media isn’t going away anytime soon. It’s practically apart of most people’s DNA now.

If you, especially as a business owner, are NOT using Social Media to generate more leads and sales then you’re leaving money on the table.

You’re literally doing harm to your business.

It’s like taking a chopping knife to your right arm if you were right handed.

The thing about social media is that most people don’t know how to utlize it so that they benefit.

I’ve heard many business owners say that they spend a lot of money on Ads but get zero results.

Well “results” is relative. What they mean to say is they get zero sales.

And that’s probably the case because they never put anything in place to measure sales.

But that’s for another discussion.

For today I just want to share that Social media isn’t so much about the sale but about getting traffic to your offers, then getting leads AND then at the very last getting the Sale.

So! There are a few things you MUST do on Social Media to ensure that you’re getting more traffic to your offers, more leads and more sales.

These 4 things are 4 of 8 things that must do on social media in order to generate leads. Click this link to find out the other 4 ways of getting more traffic to your site. 

For now you can watch the video below to get a better understanding of these 4 ways to generating traffic from Social Media.

To summarize the 4 ways to generate more traffic, leads and sales using social media 1. Know your audience

A key point to remember about this tip is that it really doesn’t matter how fancy your ads are, if you’re targeting the wrong audience you’re not going to get the results you want.

2. Test

In the internet marketing world testing is like breathing.  To begin with, if you’re getting some sort of results you should be testing.

One of my ignition coaches used to tell me all the time that I should “Always BE Testing!”

3. Be Consistent

I don’t know if I’ve said this enough times in various circles, but if you’re committed to makreting your business on social media then be committed!

Don’t start this week and then drop off next week.

Consistency is one of the most important things to getting traffic with social media.

4. Plan Ahead

Not everyone has all day to be on social media, so it’s always a good idea to plan ahead. Plan your content ahead of time so you don’t have to scramble to get it ready for the day.

Use various tools and systems that allow you to schedule things out.

I believe firmly in the bath system when it comes to marketing.

So watch the video below and leave your feedback in the comments section.

Ready to learn more about how to maximize your Social Media Marketing to get more traffic to your offers?



I’m Hilary De Freitas The Marketing Mom

My Mission:  to bring as many moms back home and still earning a living!


I invite you join my newsletter and you will learn how to continue to grow your business online.

P.P.S My goal here is to help you learn how to market and build a successful business online around your children Join today and get one free 30 minute Marketing Training with me then join my mastermind to learn more

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