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  • Writer's pictureHilary

Prepare to Fail

If you had a mother like mine you will probably have heard this saying,

“If you Fail to prepare, Prepare to Fail”

For the sometime now I’ve been struggling getting back into a routine with managing …..

well…… managing my LIFE.

And we all go through those moments.

Kids get sick

Then you get sick

Then the house turns upside down

Then friends and family visit from abroad

And the list can just go on and on……

And this usually happens just after you got yourself into a nice groove.

Things were going smoothly in your business

Sales were coming in ….

You were following up with people……

Then life throws you a ball

Well one thing that I’ve always noticed is that you can always plan and prepare.

Even when life throws something at you.

This week I took some time to plan little things at home as I explain in  my short video below.

Like meals for the week,

Lunch boxes



And the same 24 hour day that seemed too little

Now seems to have 48 hours in it

All because I sat down and planned a few things in my life.

Now I know you’re probably wondering what this has to do with your business.

Well you have to remember that YOU are your business.

YOU are a husband,

YOU are a wife

YOU are a mother

YOU are a father

YOU are a daughter or son

Your life isn’t just about your business.

Your life is about everything that you have to manage in order to work your business and then get back to your life.

Sometimes we can lose track of that.

So my words of advice for you today are

To take stock of your life.

Plan things out properly even if you think you don’t have the time.

Remember what I talked about in my blog yesterday.

Think of time as units – blocks – if 15 mins is too small a block for you – then do 30 mins .

Need advice on how to Market online? Subscribe to my list. I share marketing ideas for online and network marketers almost everyday.

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Just so you know my name is Hilary De Freitas and I do receive compensation for the products I recommend to you. That being said- I’m a loving wife and mother of a beautiful girl and my goal here is to help you learn how to market and build a successful business online.

I offer three free 30 minute sessions of one-on-one time to those who are ready to invest in themselves and use the training offered through Tim’s Elite Marketing Pro system (valid only after the first month of your EMP membership). Do you have what it takes to become a Marketer? Join today.

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