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How To Create Your Online Product

How  to Create your Online Product

So one of your resolutions for 2015 is to create and design your very own product to sell!

The first thing you’ve probably realized is that online products are generally info products!

When you design and market your own products it is the first step in your online business career of truly owning  your business.

If you’re selling someone’s product – you do HAVE a business, but you don’t truly OWN your business.

When I was first introduced to the concept I thought

“How in heavens name am I going to create a product?”

I wouldn’t lie to you.

I was just as clueless as I was on the first day of High School! (not too many years ago 😉 😉 )

But designing a product isn’t as hard as you may think.

First to begin if you’re even thinking about creating your own product

Then you’ve already gotten over the mind roadblock that you CAN NOT make money online.

You’ve already made up your mind to own a business online

Not just Have a business online.

It’s one of the first roadblocks of many you’ll have to get over.

You’ve probably heard of all the things you have to do when designing a physical product.

It takes time to design

Time to market

and most times there is a 50/50 chance that you’ll either win or lose

and lose alot of time doing that.

But with online marketing products it’s simple.

There are basically three things you need to do.

Once you do these three you’re ready to market that product.

1.  Find a problem that you know how to solve

All products solve a problem.

You have to be able to identify a problem that you know how to solve.

If someone doesn’t know how to create and set up a blog.

Then your product can be creating and setting up a blog.

If you someone doesn’t understand Facebook PPC

your product can be a series of training modules on Facebook PPC.

The idea of information products is that it is all knowledge.

Knowledge holds the answers to questions.

If you had a question about taxes would go to someone who didn’t have the knowledge?

No you’d go to an Accountant.

When people jump on the internet they’re looking for answers to their questions.

And some are willing to pay for those answers.

Others prefer to go the FREE way – which can end up being your worse mistake (more on that later this month)

So your first step in creating your product

Find a problem.

2. Create two to three videos demonstrating how to solve the problem

Now obviously if you’re selling something you need to sell a solution.

That’s what people are buying.

So you have to demonstrate visually or through reading material how to solve the problem.

If I want to know how to change a tire it may be easier if you just show me.

In the online world

Showing means cutting a video!

It doesn’t have to be a long complicated video.

Do a quick powerpoint presentation and do a screen share using Google+ hangouts on air.

Don’t know how to do that – hit me up – and I’ll show you.

3. Include a bonus of 1-on-1 training

As part of your product offering you should offer something even more valuable.

Your time.

If your product is a training video, the people watching may want to try out the method  and get feedback.

Just like a consultant, you’re offering your time for money along with the answer.

So you’re telling the person buying the product

“Hey I’ve given you the answer to your problem, but just in case you can’t follow instructions I’m available to you to ask questions.”

Doing something like that builds a lot of trust between you and the buyer.

They feel like you really do care about them solving this problem.

You’re not only interested in getting their money.

How many times have you bought an item from the hardware store, read the instructions and then still had to go online to figure out how to use it.

Your product shouldn’t be like that.

You want people to have access to you online after they’ve made the purchase.

I think it’s only right.

Don’t you.

So here’s a quick bonus to your product creation process.

Bonus: Create a training webinar to market your product

Although this is the beginning of your marketing process you want to create a training video.

Give your potential buyers some information and training about the solution you’re going to offer them.

The interesting thing about this is even though you may give them the answers in the FREE webinar, they don’t own the webinar!

They still have to make a purchase to have the product for life!

So it’s a win-win!

I hope you found value in this post.

Share if you did

I’m Hilary De Freitas Online Marketer, Operational Nerd and Mom



I invite you join my newsletter and you will learn how to continue to grow your business online.

P.P.S My goal here is to help you learn how to market and build a successful business online. Join today and get one free 30 minute Marketing Training with me then join my mastermind to learn more

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