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  • Writer's pictureHilary

Discovering Yourself Makes Your Business Grow

Discovering Yourself Makes Your Business Grow

So today I want to share what I can only describe as a revelation.

I discovered who I am and how that makes a difference in my business and how it can make a difference in yours.

Elite Marketing Pro is making waves in the online marketing industry and teaching people the basics and core of marketing.

What I realized about myself  and it is probably holding you back in your business is that you’re not humble enough to re-learn the basics.

I’m 33 years old. I have a 14 month old child. I am a wife and I have three, yes three degrees.

I have worked in several companies, big and small.

I often tell people I was born and raised in Trinidad, I grew up in America and I re-discovered myself back home in Trinidad.

It’s been almost 10 years since I’ve returned to the shores of Trinidad and the frustrations of living here have driven me to the decisions I have made this year.

One day I was literally handed the opportunity to leave my job. The decision that faced me was, do I go into a new job or do I start my own business.

Most people who are as well “educated” as I am rarely look at network marketing as an “opportunity”. They see it as something for dumb people, for people who don’t have any education, or people who have no choice.

I have been in network marketing since my days in college. It’s the one thing that I actually think apart from real estate and stocks that can really make you money that will replace the salary of ANY job!

But what does all this have to do with the high and mighty educated of our society? Better yet!

What does this have to do with YOU?!?!?!

Most people think that after spending close to half a million dollars on specialized education (like my parents did) are not spending another dime on learning how to do anything. I’m going to work in a job that requires the degree I have so that I can get the most VALUE out of that degree.

Well I realized that is complete crap and I will never make back what my parents put out for my education even if I worked for the next 50 years at my job.

I humbled myself and realized that I will need to re-invest in some education and learn a few things.

In the process of learning I have been able to help many people understand basic concepts of marketing, understanding how to utilize their time wisely and how to make better buying and “selling” choices.

Most recently, even I as I was learning I was able to assist a whole group of internet marketers understand how to develop your compelling story, how to develop your Avatar.

What was so intriguing about that is that I remember when I first joined my MLM I was told to go and write my I-Story.

Ok cool! my I-Story, what the hell is that and how do you do that.

Last week Thursday while I was assisting in a training session that showed people how to do exactly that – I was able to write my I-Story.

And the beautiful thing about writing your story is that you’re writing the story of so many other people and not even realizing it. With that story you’re able to reach so many people and all you are doing is sharing your life.

Today, as I sit here, I realize that I have made a choice to no longer be a job oriented engineer, but a career engineer.

I realized that even though by business is NOW marketing, I am still an engineer. And I still use the same engineering principles I learned in my business today.

I haven’t changed one bit, but what I do with my life is evolving. It is changing and I am going to be here to help and guide anyone who is willing to take that step and change and help others.

Need advice on how to Market online? Subscribe to my list. I share marketing ideas for online and network marketers almost everyday.

Do you know someone who can use the information shared here today? Share using the links to the left.

Just so you know my name is Hilary De Freitas and I do receive compensation for the products I recommend to you. That being said- I’m a loving wife and mother of a beautiful girl and my goal here is to help you learn how to market and build a successful business online.

I offer three free 30 minute sessions of one-on-one time to those who are ready to invest in themselves and use the training offered through Tim’s Elite Marketing Pro system (valid only after the first month of your EMP membership). Do you have what it takes to become a Marketer? Join today.

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