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How I went from Newbie to Quitting my Job …

How I went from Newbie to Quitting my Job in Six Months?

Every time I think about this journey I think it’s so surreal.

As I’ve said before I will never recommend you do this if you don’t have the support I had.

But I realized that something needed to be done ASAP if I wanted my life to be different in the next five years.

Fast Results Don’t Exist

Now most people who get into businesses think results will come in the next week, month or maybe even year.

The point is the want the results NOW!

Results never come now.


I learned that the hard way when I was doing Advanced Calculus.

The higher I went in Mathematics the longer it took to solve the problem.

So the same is true with your business.

If you want to be successful in business know that it will take some time.

The biggest failing point for most people is that they want the results now.

And honestly I don’t blame them.

In a world where you hit a button and the TV  comes on; you hit ONE button and microwave is on for 3 minutes.

Your food is cooked in three minutes, not three hours.

Your clothes are dried in 30 minutes not half day (and that’s if there’s good weather)

We live in a world of instant gratification.

But back to the point.

I went from being a Newbie to leaving my job, because I knew time was required.

Results Come When you Decide to Put the Work In

If you are working and trying to run a business right now you know that you’re not sleeping much. And add family responsibilities to that you’re almost close to death!!!!

For six months I told myself I need to sacrifice sleep.

But I was already doing that with a baby who to this day still doesn’t sleep through the night (she’s almost two at the writing of this blog).

So there was less sleep, a lot of learning and implementing at night and then work during the day.

I had to make a decision to do work!

Yes that’s what it took. It took a lot of sleepless nights and of working, and learning and working and learning.

I attended webinars that finished close to 11 pm at night then I would write a blog post about the webinar.

I would read articles and books and right blog posts on them.

Everything I learned, I wrote about then implemented.

It was that simple.

And doing that for six months solid gave me the “BALLS” shall we say to leave my job.

Confidence in a Plan

There’s a confidence that comes with knowing that a system is going to get you to where you want to go.

I had not made more than $500 USD before I decided to leave my job.

But I did it anyway!

I did it because I knew I had everything I needed at that point to get to the stage of replacing my income …. in the next five years!

What I had was the momentum I needed to keep going and a system to train me in the way of how to do it.

The plan that I was working was going to get results.

I knew it because others had done it.

The difference between them and all the others who failed was they implemented while the others kept learning.

And that’s why they are on stage training others today!

Getting out of a learning mode and getting into action is key.

My first six months as an internet marketer was a combination of learning and doing.

I never spent more than a month learning something without implementing.

Quite frankly most of what I’ve learned I’ve implemented.

It was just my mode of operation.

So are you new in the game?

Do you want to leave your job soon?

Are you willing to put in the effort, time and money it is going to take?

I can’t think of better place for you today than #empteamonfire Mastermind.

The biggest factor of my leaving my job in six months was Elite Marketing Pro team on fire.

We’re really on fire!

A team that really Teaches you how to implement and get results.

I’m Hilary De Freitas Facebook Social Media Trainer


I invite you join my newsletter and you will learn how to continue to grow your business online.

P.P.S My goal here is to help you learn how to market and build a successful business online. Join today and get one free 30 minute Marketing Training with me then join my mastermind to learn more

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